Montreal International Documentary Festival


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National Feature Competition

Le Plein potentiel Annie St-Pierre

Le Plein potentiel

This sociological film essay paints a portrait of a society plagued by deep-seated anxieties but driven by a clear desire for individual transformation. Filmmaker Annie St-Pierre delves into the world of those who hope to become a better version of themselves. With skillful editing that ensures a fluid narrative, a soundtrack that subtly echoes the energy circulating between coaches and coachees, and a seamless visual aesthetic that reflects the filmmaker's empathy with the complexity of personal journeys, Le Plein potentiel shows us different personal growth strategies, while highlighting a universal quest for meaning. (MAS)

The screening on the 22nd will be followed by a party for the launch of the Spirale magazine 287 - Hygiène de vie

Annie St-Pierre also programmed in the festival a free screening of Le petit Jésus as part of Doc-to-doc and will participate in a conversation with the filmmaker André-Line Beauparlant.

Co-presented by the SDC Le Quartier Latin

competition : National Feature Competition

Le Plein potentiel

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2024
  • V.O : French, English, Japanese
  • Subtitles : French or English
  • Duration : 83 MIN
  • Cinematography : Étienne Roussy
  • Editing : Myriam Magassouba
  • Sound : Jean-François Caissy
  • Sound : Marie-Pierre Grenier
  • Sound : Bernard Gariépy Strobl
  • Production : Audrey-Ann Dupuis-Pierre
  • Music : Christophe Lamarche-Ledoux
Filmography of Annie St-Pierre :

Migration amoureuse (2007)
C'est moi je le jure (2008)
Moi aussi je m'appelle Gabrielle (2013)
Fermières (2013)
Les grandes claques (2021)

Presented in same section

Tout sur Margo

by Yann-Manuel Hernandez, Margaux Latour

Parmi les montagnes et les ruisseaux

by Jean-François Lesage


by Lawrence Côté-Collins

The Soldier's Lagoon

by Pablo Alvarez-Mesa


by Oksana Karpovych

Archéologie de la lumière

by Sylvain L'Espérance


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